St. John's
United Church
of Christ
Dover, Ohio
“No matter who you are
or where you are on life's journey,
you are always welcome here.”
St John's stands as a dominant landmark in downtown Dover, Ohio, one that has spread its wings and expanded many times in its long, distinguished history. But the one thing that has never changed is the warm welcome and feeling of coming home that greets everyone who walks through our door.
Whether you're attending Sunday morning worship, looking to be a part of one of our Sunday School Groups, or participating in one of the many special church events, you can relax, breathe in the welcoming spirit, and be an immediate part of our church family. There's something for everyone at St John's, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
So, if you're new to St John's, explore our website and get to know us. If you already call St John's home, then use this site to stay in touch and connected between church services and activities.
Welcome home.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, January 12
9:00 AM - Adult Sunday School
10:00 AM - Fellowship
10:30 AM - Worship
5:00 PM - Youth Group @ 4th & Faith
Monday, January 13
10:00 AM - Yoga @ 4th & Faith
2:00 PM - Needles & Hookers
6:30 PM - Bad Girl's Book Club
7:00 PM - Boy Scouts
7:00 PM - Barbershop Chorus
Tuesday, January 14
6:30 PM - Cub Scouts/Webelos
6:30 PM - Elders/Trustees/Deacons
7:30 PM - Council Meeting
Wednesday, January 15
7:00 PM - Chancel Choir
Thursday, January 16
10:00 AM - Yoga @ 4th & Faith
Sunday, January 19
9:00 AM - Adult Sunday School
10:00 AM - Fellowship
10:30 AM - Worship
11:30 AM - Bell Choir Practice
**See Weekly Happenings tab for more details.**
Worship Schedule